01 November 2020

28. Grow the Pie with Lee Towe

Previously, Lee Towe was the Director of Product Development at a bank. He left that job to start Innovators International, Inc. with a focus on developing and delivering training and facilitation around creativity. Lee also wrote a book on creativity called "Why Didn't I Think of That?". Now he focused on helping people see ways they can "grow the pie." Not just grab a slice.

[00:01 – 09:06] What are "Pie Growers"?

  • Lee Towe defines what he calls "pie growers."
  • The three most important capabilities innovators must have
    • Creativity
    • Analysis
    • Collaboration
  • The harm that comes when you create a grabbing/win-lose/comparisons culture within your company.
    • Abolishing the idea that at a young age, we are taught how to fight with one another.

[09:06 – 20:17] Avoid Infighting and Create a Cooperative, Cohesive Team

  • What should we focus on to create such a team?
    • How to work together and combine your forces
    • More emphasis on vision and why another's success can happen simultaneously as our own success.
    • Putting the two forces together can sometimes result in more to go around for everyone, including ourselves.
  • Lee shares his personal experiences that made him change this outlook in his own life
  • Lee talks about the core value that Pie Growers was built on

[20:18 – 25:01] Closing Segment

  • Lee's final thoughts for the listeners
  • Connect with Lee online. See the links below.


Tweetable Quotes:

"Reduce the jealousy. Reduce the defensiveness. You have to increase to some degree the confidence of what you are doing." – Lee Towe

"[Let's] build more relationships and think less on defensiveness and only beating the other person. Somebody has to provide that glue. Somebody has to see the bigger picture to say, 'this is how it hangs together.'" – Lee Towe

"Be brave enough and believe in your own creative abilities and know that we are in a system that sort of balances toward competition and to question whether or not competition is the right thing in each case." – Lee Towe

"I'm not against competition. I don't want the teams to play to a tie, and competition can be motivating. Competition can be fun. Competition is the appropriate way to go in many cases but too often do we default to it, and too often do we compare ourselves to one another when we shouldn't be. When we should be comparing ourselves to what's possible." – Lee Towe

 You can connect with Lee on https://www.piegrowers.com/ or follow him on LinkedIn.

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