27 June 2022

Season 3, Episode 13. Your Teams Coach with Michael King

Leaders need to be authentic and transparent with their teams in order to create a sustainable and successful relationship and scale. In this episode of the Innovation Meets Leadership Podcast, Natalie Born and Michael King explore one piece of advice for leaders when it comes to capacity - being able to understand their team and how they're doing.  They discuss understanding your team's engagement, motivation, and commitment to the mission and why that’s important for creating a healthy partnership. 


Michael King, founder, and CEO of TEAMS.COACH, LLC is a highly sought-after Executive and Business Leadership Coach. He helps business leaders clarify and execute at high levels through his proprietary T.E.A.M.S. Methodology to develop measurable business growth and company-wide collaboration.

Michael has close to twenty years of hands-on experience, leading teams, and organizations. In the past five years, he worked with a wide range of clients, from solo entrepreneurs to top company executives.


[00:35] Leadership Through the T.E.A.M.S. Methodology 

  • Michael discusses the pressure leaders face today and how to prevent burnout

  • How teams are changing and how to create strategies that are relevant

    • Our current work climate is forcing leaders to work smarter not harder

    • It's your responsibility to change and impact the environment  

  • Understanding the T.E.A.M.S. Framework

    • How the methodology was created 

    • Common behavioral patterns of leaders that cause them to lose focus or burn out 

[06:15] Why Leaders Need to Take Culture Seriously in 2022

  • Why leaders have a hard time articulating the capacity of their team and how they can solve that

    • Have a clear vision

    • Plan stages in order to avoid overwhelming your team and leading to demoralization and failure

  • The war on talent and the rise of human capital 

    • The huge societal shift that organizations need to pivot with 

    • Leaders need to create a culture that supports the goals of their team members in order to keep them around

[12:27] Types of Leadership Styles and Why It’s All About Striking a Balance 

  • Why culture needs to be put in front of growth for long-term gains 

  • The type of leader you are will reproduce the same type of leadership in others 

  • The different types of leaders

    • Good leadership is about understanding balance 

[20:20]  Closing Segment

  • How to Work with Michael King 

  • Lessons learned from Michael’s biggest “Aha” moment while going through the T.E.A.M.S. Methodology 

  • Have a common definition book for team members to use when communicating and working together


Key Quotes:


“Focus in and make sure that you don't try to move your team by taking on too many phases all at one time. That's where disenfranchisement happens, that's where people get demoralized, and that's where failure starts to happen. Everybody wants to be a part of something that wins. And so being able to take that and just dial your vision back into steps and strategies as opposed to trying to eat the elephant all at one time, that's a really big deal.”  - Michael King 


“The culture has to support [the team’s] goals. It used to be the other way around. We come in and support the goals of the organization. But now if I'm looking at a role, it has to support the goals that I have in my life.” - Natalie Born 


“And the thing that we find that burns leaders out a lot is not knowing the capacity of their team and knowing when to dial that back.” - Michael King 


Connect with Michael 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelkingjr75

Website: http://www.teams.coach

Contact Number: 763-245-4984  


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Innovation Meets Leadership
