15 January 2023

Season 3, Episode 27. What Kills Innovation with Natalie & Aaron Born

“Think about some people you can pull alongside you to help you be a zero gravity thinker, to think outside the box and to look differently at problems that you're trying to solve.” - Natalie Born


What is holding back explosive growth and breakthrough ideas? In this episode, Natalie and Aaron Born disclose the importance of innovation and how to foster it in an organization. They break down the 3 principles that kill innovation and explain how innovation looks different for everyone. Natalie talks about how she enjoys doing podcasts, her experiences with podcasting, and some of their favorite conversations. Listen and enjoy!


Aaron is a father of two daughters, the husband to Natalie, and the owner of a runaway circus dog named Bear. They currently live in Sugar Hill, Georgia. When he is not with his family, he is the Lead Pastor of House Churches for Victory Church, a multi-site church made up of about 20,000 households from 142 people groups based in the Metropolitan area of Atlanta, Georgia.


Key Highlights:


[00:01 - 06:03] How Psychological Safety Kills Innovation

• Aaron Born interviews Natalie Born

• Why psychological safety is key to fostering innovation and leadership

• What makes an impactful and powerful team

  • How the lack of psychological safety can lead to a fight or flight response


[06:04 - 11:44] 3 Principles of Killing Innovation

• The biggest things that kill innovation

  • Lack of psychological safety, lack of visual agreement, and status quo

• When things are kept the same, it becomes difficult to come up with new ideas


[11:45 - 17:15] Innovation Looks Different for Every Organization

• How Innovation Meets Leadership allows people to see innovation in a different light

  • It's not just about the people who create new markets or technologies

• Create guardrails and checkpoints to implement new systems safely and efficiently


[17:16 - 22:59] The Importance of Zero Gravity Thinkers in Innovation

• Natalie discusses her love for innovation and leadership

  • How they've helped her grow as an individual and leader

• Surround yourself with people that help you think outside the box and improve your ideas

• How to create environments that encourage creativity and risk-taking


[23:00 - 26:34] Closing Segment

• Natalie's funniest moments and memorable moments from her podcast

• How resilience prevails in conversation with guests


Key Quotes:


“If a team is not psychologically safe, you find it hard to innovate, you find it hard to bring the best ideas to the table.” - Natalie Born


“Instead of thinking about ourselves as the only thought leader, we need to think about creating a bench of thought leaders.” - Natalie Born


Connect with Natalie 

Website: https://innovationmeetsleadership.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/natalieborn




Connect with Aaron


Website: https://victoryatl.com/ 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaron-david-born-4a66b7bb/ 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/born_aaron 


Check out Natalie's New Book: SET IT ON FIRE: The Art of Innovation available now at https://setitonfire.co/


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